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Welches UV-Licht fur Pflanzen?

Welches UV-Licht für Pflanzen?

Um Photosynthese in Gang zu bringen, braucht es photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung (PAR). Allerdings wird nur Licht im Wellenlängenbereich von 400 nm bis 700 nm dem PAR-Bereich zugeordnet. Um auch mit der UV-Strahlung etwas anfangen zu können, verfügen Pflanzen über Cryptochromen und Phototropinen.

Ist UV-Licht für Pflanzen schädlich?

UV Strahlen des Sonnenlichts können Pflanzen schädigen, was u.a. zu einer Zerstörung von Blattzellen und Schäden in Blüten führen kann. Denn obwohl die Pflanze auf das Sonnenlicht für den Photosynthese-Prozess angewiesen ist, ist die Strahlung im UV-Bereich auch für sie schädlich.

Do LED lights emit UV light?

Although most types of LED lighting do not emit any UV light, brilliant blues do emit a small amount. However, the phosphor reduces this to such a small fraction of the already small amount, the amount emitted is essentially negligible.

Is there such a thing as a UV LED that’s not blue?

Not the blu ray covers. But certain books and some photos.. (Fade) Course when one actually wants a UV Led often you just get blue. (bug zappers are often just blue) UVC Fluorescent is usually easy to find but UVC LED’s are expensive and hard to find. Some claim they are UVC but again usually they are either purple or blue..

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Why don’t LEDs emit white light?

Without getting into all of the scientific details of the varying Gallium doping mixtures of semiconductor diodes, it’s important to understand that LEDs in and of themselves are incapable of emitting white light. White light is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.

Do artificial light sources emit UV radiation?

We all know that exposure to UV radiation leads to sunburn, and in extreme scenarios can lead to eye problems, skin cancer, weakening of the immune system, and more. Fortunately, most artificial light sources do not emit enough UV for this to be a real concern.