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Was passierte 1666?

Was passierte 1666?

September 1666 war ein schwarzer Tag in der Geschichte Londons. Bei einem Großbrand, der fünf Tage dauerte, wurde die mittelalterliche Stadt fast zu 80 Prozent zerstört. Jahrhundert war London neben Paris die wichtigste Metropole Europas.

Welche Bedeutung hat London?

London errang während des viktorianischen Zeitalters große Bedeutung als Hauptstadt des Britischen Weltreichs. 1851 war London laut Volkszählung mit 2.651.939 Einwohnern die größte Stadt Europas und das Zentrum der industrialisierten Welt.

Wer war 1888 deutscher Kaiser?

Wilhelm I
Wilhelm I. starb am 9. März 1888; daraufhin wurde sein Sohn Friedrich III. Kaiser.

Welche Stadtteile hat London?

Alle Londoner Stadtteile im Überblick: In dieser Reihenfolge drapieren Sie sich schneckenartig um die City of London:

  • City of London.
  • City of Westminster.
  • Kensington and Chelsea.
  • Hammersmith and Fulham.
  • Wandsworth.
  • Lambeth.
  • Southwark.
  • Tower Hamlets.
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What major events happened in 1888 in the United Kingdom?

Events from the year 1888 in the United Kingdom. This year is noted for the first Whitechapel murders . 26 January – the Lawn Tennis Association is founded. 13 February – the first issue of the Financial Times goes on sale (originally launched on 9 January by Horatio Bottomley as the London Financial Guide ).

What was the East End of London like in 1888?

The East End of London in 1888 is often depicted as being one vast slum that was inhabited by an immoral and criminal population who were little better than savages.

What was crime like in London in 1888?

It comes as no surprise that, as a result, crime rates spiralled and were unmanageable by London’s police force in 1888. Petty crime like street theft was commonplace, alongside more serious disturbances like alcohol-related violence, gang crime and even protection rackets.

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How many days ahead is 1888 on the Gregorian calendar?

As of the start of 1888, the Gregorian calendar was 12 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which remained in localized use until 1923. In Germany, 1888 is known as the Year of the Three Emperors. Currently, it is the year that, when written in Roman numerals, has the most digits (13).