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Welche Pflanzen fressen Gorillas?

Welche Pflanzen fressen Gorillas?

Das Nahrungsspektrum der Gorillas in Gabun ist sehr breit: rund 200 Pflanzenarten. Besonders gern mögen sie Arten, die zu den Ingwergewächsen und den Pfeilwurzgewächsen gehören. Berggorillas in den Virunga-Vulkanen fressen 38 Pflanzenarten, vor allem Labkraut, Disteln, Afrikanische Berg-Petersilie und Nesseln.

Sind Gorillas nachtaktiv?

Sozialverhalten: Die Gruppe von 10 bis 15 Gorillas wird von einem Leitmännchen (Silberrücken) angeführt….

Lebensraum: Wälder, Bergwälder, tropische Regenwälder
Vorkommen: 100.000 bis 150.000 frei lebende Gorillas aller Arten. Berggorilla nur noch 400 bis 700 Tiere
Gefährdete Art: Gefährdet
Tag- oder nachtaktiv: Tagaktiv

What is a Cross River gorilla?

The Cross River Gorilla is a subspecies of the Western Gorilla. There are currently only 200-300 Cross River Gorillas left in the wild, making them the most endangered great ape in Africa. They live in mountainous border area between Cameroon and Nigeria at the top of the Cross River, after which they are named.

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How old do Cross River gorillas have to be to become Silverbacks?

As with all gorillas, Cross River gorilla troops are led and protected by an alpha male, who is a mature silverback. Males attain silverback status at about 12 years old; however, they continue to develop until age 15. Belying their intimidating size, silverbacks often act as peacemakers.

Why are hunters tracking Cross River gorilla populations?

Scientists studying Cross River gorilla populations have employed an unlikely ally in their research: local hunters-turned-conservationists. These individuals—now dedicated to conserving these great apes and their habitats—are expert trackers.

What is the difference between a lowland gorilla and a western gorilla?

This subspecies of the western gorilla is very similar in appearance to the more numerous western lowland gorilla, but subtle differences can be found in the skull and tooth dimensions.