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Was bewirkt Hydroxychloroquin?

Was bewirkt Hydroxychloroquin?

Der Wirkstoff Hydroxychloroquin ist ein hydroxyliertes Derivat von Chloroquin, das sowohl gegen Malaria als auch gegen Entzündungen wirkt und heute am häufigsten als antirheumatisches Mittel bei systemischem Lupus erythematodes und rheumatoider Arthritis eingesetzt wird.

Wie nehme ich Quensyl ein?

Art der Anwendung Die Filmtabletten sollen möglichst zu den Mahlzeiten mit genügend Flüssigkeit unzerkaut eingenommen werden. Kinder ab 6 Jahre (≥ 35 kg) sollten nicht länger als 6 Monate mit Quensyl behandelt werden. Eine Langzeitanwendung zur Malariaprophylaxe sollte bei Kindern unterbleiben.

How long does hydroxychloroquine take to work for arthritis? indicates that you can expect to see some results after a month or two of taking hydroxychloroquine, but in order to get the full benefits you will need to take the medication for at least six months.

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What is hydroxychloroquine used to treat?

What Conditions Does This Treat? Originally, hydroxychloroquine was used to prevent and treat malaria and was considered very effective. Now it is generally used for rheumatoid arthritis, but it has also been shown to work well for juvenile arthritis, some lupus symptoms, and other types of autoimmune conditions.

Can hydroxychloroquine be used to treat lupus?

Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat: juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Over the long term hydroxychloroquine can reduce pain, swelling and joint stiffness. If you have lupus, it may also improve the rash.

Can you stop joint damage with hydroxychloroquine?

You can also put off joint damage, and in some cases, you can do more than just slow it down. Being able to stop joint damage can lessen pain and mean a better quality of life. Hydroxychloroquine is one of the medications that can be a valuable part of your treatment plan. What Conditions Does This Treat?

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