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Wie hilft Progesteron in den Wechseljahren?

Wie hilft Progesteron in den Wechseljahren?

Das ausgleichende Hormon Progesteron fördert beispielsweise den Schlaf und entwässert. Positive Eigenschaften, die Frauen vor und in der Menopause dankbar annehmen.

Für was hilft Progesteron?

Progesteron ist ein natürlich im Körper vorkommendes Sexualhormon aus der Gruppe der Gestagene. Es reguliert vor allem im Körper der Frau Vorgänge wie den Menstruationszyklus, die Schwangerschaft sowie die Entwicklung des Embryos.

Can low progesterone during perimenopause cause hormonal imbalance symptoms?

Accordingly, low progesterone during perimenopause and after menopause can evoke many hormonal imbalance symptoms that middle-aged women can be all too familiar with. The symptoms of low progesterone during perimenopause shadow many of those seen due to an estrogen imbalance during menopause.

Is progesterone a safe and effective treatment for menopause symptoms?

The administration of 200 mg/day progesterone over 12 days of a menstrual cycle or a daily administration of 100 mg combined with an estrogen are a safe and well-tolerated option to treat menopausal symptoms, with a better benefit risk profile compared to synthetic gestagens. Key words: hormone therapy, progesterone, menopause, menopausal symptoms

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What are the signs and symptoms of perimenopause?

Perhaps the most important sign of perimenopause is irregular periods. As the ovarian reserve diminishes over time, the ovaries may not produce a mature egg each month despite the increasing attempts of the FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) to promote ovulation.

Can perimenopause cause PMS mood swings?

Worse PMS (Estrogen Dominance) As progesterone levels decrease during perimenopause, estrogen levels may appear to be higher relative to progesterone. This imbalance can manifest as various signs of estrogen dominance, such as PMS, irritability, anxiety, and mood swings, etc.