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Was macht die Neuraminidase?

Was macht die Neuraminidase?

Neuraminidasen sind eine Familie von Enzymen von Influenza- (Typ A und B) und anderen Viren, die terminale Sialinsäurereste von den Glycoproteinen der Zelloberflächen von Virenwirtszellen und den Viren selber abspalten. Dieser Vorgang befördert die Freisetzung von Tochterviren aus den infizierten Zellen.

Was macht Hämagglutinin?

Bei der Infektion einer Wirtszelle vermitteln Hämagglutinine die Anheftung des Virus an die Zellen und erleichtern sein Eindringen in die Wirtszelle. Bei der Anheftung bindet das Hämagglutininmolekül an große, sialinsäuretragende Glykoproteine auf der Zelloberfläche, die zur Glykokalyx gehören.

What is the mechanism of action of oseltamivir?

Oseltamivir is a sialic acid neuraminidase inhibitor that has recently become available for the treatment of both influenza A and B.233–235 Its mechanism of action is inhibition of the viral neuraminidase, causing in turn inhibition of virus release from infected cells and spread in the respiratory tract.

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What causes neuraminidase inhibitors to be resistant?

Neuraminidase inhibitor resistance in vitro results from mutations in the viral hemagglutinin and/or neuraminidase.79,80 In the hemagglutinin variants, mutations in or near the receptor binding site make the virus less dependent on neuraminidase action, whereas neuraminidase mutations directly affect interaction with the inhibitors.

What is ledlaninamivir octanoate?

Laninamivir octanoate is the newest neuraminidase inhibitor for influenza treatment administrated by a DPI following the use of oseltamivir (Tamiflu®, administered orally), zanamivir (Relenza®, by inhalation) and peramivir (Rapiacta®, by single or multiple intravenous administrations).

Is Laninamivir (Inavir) approved in the US?

Laninamivir (Inavir®) has been approved and prescribed more often than oseltamivir and zanamivir in Japan since 2010 [156]. Biota Pharmaceuticals is currently conducting a multinational phase II clinical trials of laninamivir in USA [157] which likely to be followed by approval soon.