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Was ist eine chronische muskelentzundung?

Was ist eine chronische muskelentzündung?

Bei der Krankheit kommt es zu einem unaufhaltsam voranschreitenden Kraftverlust und Muskelschwund an Armen und Beinen. Oft führt sie innerhalb von einigen Jahren zur Gehunfähigkeit. Patienten sind dann auf Hilfsmittel wie einen Rollstuhl angewiesen. Bisher gibt es für die Krankheit keine erfolgreiche Therapie.

Wie kann man myositis feststellen?

Die Diagnose erfolgt durch eine Muskelbiopsie und die Bestimmung von Autoantikörpern (AAk) im Blut. Parallel wird das Muskelenzym (Creatin Kinase, CK) bestimmt. Zusätzlich kann die Diagnose per Elektromyografie (EMG), Sonografie oder Kernspintomografie (MRT) der Muskeln gesichert werden.

What is myositis and what are the symptoms?

Myositis is the name for a group of rare conditions that can cause muscles to become weak, tired and painful. The word myositis simply means inflammation in muscles. If something is inflamed, it may be swollen. Myositis can affect people of any age, including children. The main muscles to be affected are around the shoulders, hips and thighs.

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How can I improve muscle strength after myositis?

Muscle strength can take longer to get back to normal. Once myositis is controlled with treatment, exercises can also help to improve muscle strength. Although people can make a good recovery, some never regain their original muscle strength or function.

What are the symptoms of familial inclusion body myositis (IBM)?

Familial Inclusion Body Myositis. The symptoms of familial-IBM resemble those of sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) including a later age of onset and a similar pattern of muscle involvement, especially the involvement of the quadriceps muscle and the muscles of the fingers and hands.

What are the treatment options for inclusion body myositis?

While there are no effective drugs for inclusion body myositis, the following can really help: speech therapy – if you’re having problems with muscles around the throat that makes tasks like swallowing difficult. Anti-synthetase syndrome is a condition where several parts of the body are affected by inflammation.

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