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Warum ist downsyndrom keine Krankheit?

Warum ist downsyndrom keine Krankheit?

Keine Krankheit, sondern eine Anomalie des Erbguts. Das heißt, dass die genetische Ausstattung der Betroffenen vom „Normalzustand“ abweicht. Ursachen: In allen oder einigen Körperzellen der Betroffenen finden sich drei (statt zwei) Exemplare vom Chromosom 21. Deshalb wird das Down-Syndrom auch Trisomie 21 genannt.

What is the gastrointestinal tract in Down syndrome?

Gastrointestinal Tract & Down Syndrome. The gastrointestinal (GI) system includes all the parts of your body—from mouth to anus—that are involved in the digestion of food. Beginning in the newborn period, people with Down syndrome have an increased likelihood of developing medical conditions that interrupt or interfere with this digestion.

Do I need a GI specialist for people with Down syndrome?

Beginning in the newborn period, people with Down syndrome have an increased likelihood of developing medical conditions that interrupt or interfere with this digestion. Some of these medical issues can be managed by a person’s primary care physician; others might require the added recommendations of a GI specialist.

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What is Hirschsprung disease in Down syndrome?

Between 2-15\% of infants with Down syndrome are born with Hirschsprung disease, which results when the last part of their large intestine does not function properly due to a lack of certain nerve cells. As a result, children and cannot properly expel stool.

What are the most common congenital problems in Down syndrome?

About half the children with Down syndrome are born with some type of congenital heart defect. These heart problems can be life-threatening and may require surgery in early infancy. Gastrointestinal (GI) defects. GI abnormalities occur in some children with Down syndrome and may include abnormalities of the intestines, esophagus, trachea and anus.