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Wann hat Julia Roberts ihre Kinder bekommen?

Wann hat Julia Roberts ihre Kinder bekommen?

Seit 2002 sind sie verheiratet und feiern damit im kommenden Jahr ihren 20. Hochzeitstag. Am 28. November 2004 kamen die Zwillinge zur Welt und im Juni 2007 ihr drittes Kind, Sohn Henry (14).

Hat Julia Roberts leibliche Kinder?

Schauspielerin Julia Roberts, 50, und Danny Moder, 49, teilen wenig aus ihrem Privatleben mit der Öffentlichkeit. Die Schauspielerin und der Kameramann sind seit 16 Jahren miteinander verheiratet und haben drei gemeinsame Kinder: die Zwillinge Hazel und Phinnaeus, 13, und Sohn Henry, 11.

Wo lebt Julia Roberts jetzt?

New York CityAtlantaMalibu
Julia Roberts/Bisherige Wohnorte

What is Julia Roberts like in real life?

Roberts allegedly enjoys locking herself in her trailer for hours at a time, and sources claim she ices critics in public when she thinks they’ve scorned her. By many accounts, Roberts possesses a dark side that belies the chirpily braying characters she portrays in films such as Pretty Woman and Hook.

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Why do Julia Roberts and Eric Roberts not speak to each other?

Siblings will always have their differences, but not speaking for more than a decade is especially hardcore. According to People, the animosity between Julia Roberts and her brother, Eric Roberts, stems from a 1993 custody battle over his daughter, actress Emma Roberts.

What disease does Julia Roberts‘ mother have in Wonder?

In Wonder (2017), the film adaptation of the 2012 novel of the same name by R. J. Palacio, Roberts played the mother of a boy with Treacher Collins syndrome.

Does Julia Roberts have trust issues with Danny Moder?

They’ve been married since 2002 and have three kids, but Julia Roberts reportedly has trust issues with Danny Moder. Celeb Dirty Laundry claimed Julia Roberts fears he’s cheating on her and will leave her like he left his first wife …for her.