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Wann kommt der 3 Teil von Pacific Rim?

Wann kommt der 3 Teil von Pacific Rim?

März 2021, ab 20:15 Uhr wieder im Fernsehen. Ein passender Anlass zu fragen, wann die Fortsetzung „Pacific Rim 3“ endlich kommen wird?

Wird es Pacific Rim 3 geben?

RTL zeigt „Pacific Rim 2“ am heutigen Sonntag ab 20.15 Uhr. „Pacific Rim 3“ war geplant, wird aber mangels Erfolg von Teil 2 erst mal nicht kommen. Stattdessen wurde eine „Pacific Rim“-Serie auf Netflix veröffentlicht.

Wann kommt Godzilla vs Kong Netflix?

Kong“ nämlich seit dem gestrigen 29. Juli 2021 einfach mit ihrem Abo schauen – gerade einmal vier Wochen nachdem der Monster-Kracher in die deutschen Kinos kam.

Will there be a Godzilla movie in Pacific Rim?

Timeline-wise, Godzilla can’t exist in Pacific Rim due to the first recorded kaiju attack being in 2013. So, the universes would likely be separate, but crossover in some way. A fun idea is Godzilla falling into a portal leading to the Pacific Rim version of the Earth, creating a new categorization of kaiju.

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Is Godzilla vs Kong in the MonsterVerse?

Among those, the MonsterVerse of Legendary Entertainment and Warner Bros. Pictures is soon getting a new release, Godzilla vs. Kong. Like this MonsterVerse, the Pacific Rim universe (which also belongs to Legendary Entertainment) is also based on the Kaiju characters, which had originated in Japan.

Will there be a Pacific Rim 3?

According to Steven S. DeKnight, Pacific Rim 3 would have ended with a connection to the Godzilla vs. Kong universe. A third Pacific Rim has been highly wanted by fans, but doesn’t seem to be happening after the lackluster performance of the second film. However, Pacific Rim is continuing in the form of an anime series next month.

When was the first Godzilla movie made?

In 1954, the first Godzilla film was made in Japan. Along with Godzilla’s release, a new genre of films was born in Japan, called Kaiju. The genre contained films, which revolved around giant monsters attacking cities.

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