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Wann sind Nitrate einzunehmen?

Wann sind Nitrate einzunehmen?

Wenn Sie Nitrate langfristig anwenden, um Angina-Pectoris-Anfällen vorzubeugen, ist es ratsam, die letzte Tablette des Tages um 18 Uhr (nichtretardiertes Mittel) bzw. um 14 Uhr (retardiertes Mittel) einzunehmen; dann ist der Abstand bis zur Anwendung am folgenden Morgen lang genug.

Wie schnell wirken Nitrate?

Seine Wirkung tritt innerhalb von ein bis zwei Minuten ein, hält aber nur fünf bis zehn Minuten an. Bei der dauerhaften Gabe von Nitraten und bei Langzeitnitraten tritt eine Toleranzentwicklung ein, die den therapeutischen Effekt egalisiert.

What is a nitrate and how is it used?

A nitrate naturally occurs in fruits, vegetables and grains, and this natural occurrence prevents the formation of nitrosamines, the harmful part of this equation. Nitrosamines are used during the manufacturing of cosmetics, pesticides, tobacco products and rubber products, such as balloons and condoms. ( 2)

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What are nitrates and what are their side effects?

Nitrates or nitrate medications are drugs prescribed to prevent or treat angina (heart pain or chest pain) caused by heart disease. Common side effects of nitrates include: Nitrates are classified as a category C drug, which means that its safety in women who are pregnant has not been established.

Are nitrates or nitrites better at preventing contamination by bacteria?

Neither nitrates nor nitrites are good at preventing contamination by other kinds of bacteria, like E. coli. Nitrate occurs naturally in the soil, either by itself or as a compound such as sodium nitrate. The largest natural deposits of sodium nitrate are located in Chile and Peru.

Are nitrites in food bad for You?

So if you’re going to eat certain foods, the nitrites are actually good because they prevent bacteria from forming, such as listeria and botulinum, but too much of a good thing can be an issue.

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