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Wann war der Gold Rush?

Wann war der Gold Rush?

Der erste dokumentierte Goldrausch auf US-Territorium ereignete sich 1799 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Der größte war der Kalifornische Goldrausch. Weiterhin gehören dazu auch der „Colorado Gold Rush“ und der Goldrausch am Klondike River in Kanada und am Yukon River in Kanada.

Was machen Mat und Andreas?

Während Mat sich mit den Schöpfungsmethoden auskennt, ist Andreas Experte für das australische Outback. Er untersucht gemeinsam mit Mat die Landschaft, um neue vielversprechende Orte zu finden. Der Episodenguide zu Goldrausch in Australien umfasst 4 Staffeln mit 24 Episoden.

Was arbeitet Andreas Macherey?

Der Geschäftsführer und Firmengründer des Fernreisespezialisten Boomerang-Reisen, Andreas Macherey (42), legt die Geschäfte mit Wirkung zum 15. Oktober 2012 in neue Hände. Macherey hatte Boomerang-Reisen 1994 gegründet und 18 Jahre lang erfolgreich geführt.

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How did the Western Australian gold rush start?

The Western Australian gold rush began with the first discovery of gold in the late 1890s. News of the gold spread as fast as the region’s wildfires and soon gold prospectors were arriving to seek their fortune and set up gold rush towns in the dusty landscapes of the Kalgoorlie, Goldfields and Murchison regions.

Who immigrated to Australia in search of gold?

Within a year, more than 500,000 people (nicknamed “diggers”) rushed to the gold field s of Australia. Most of these immigrant s were British, but many prospectors from the United States, Germany, Poland, and China also settled in NSW and Victoria. Even more immigrants arrived from other parts of Australia.

Where was the first gold mine discovered in Australia?

On February 12, 1851, a prospector discovered flecks of gold in a waterhole near Bathurst, New South Wales (NSW), Australia. Soon, even more gold was discovered in what would become the neighboring state of Victoria.

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What are the best ways to explore the Western Australian Goldfields?

Try your luck at gold prospecting and fossicking in the Goldfields. Or follow the Golden Quest Discovery Trail, leading you through the gold rush towns of Coolgardie, Laverton and Gwalia. Check out Outback heritage trails for more details about attractions that explore the fascinating history of the Western Australian gold rush.