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Was bedeutet Stir im MRT?

Was bedeutet Stir im MRT?

Die Short-Tau-Inversion-Recovery-Sequenz (STIR-Sequenz) arbeitet mit TIs von 100 bis 150 ms (abhängig von der B-Feldstärke der Hauptspule). Diese TI sorgt dafür, dass zum Zeitpunkt des 90°-Anregungspulses in Fettgewebe keine Longitudinalmagnetisierung vorhanden ist.

Was ist CISS Sequenz?

Methode: Anhand von fünf ausgewählten klinischen Beispielen wird ein neues kernspintomographisches Verfahren, die sogenannte CISS („Constructive interference in steady state”)-Sequenz für die Diagnostik möglicher Obliterationen der Cochlea demonstriert und ihre Relevanz für die Cochlea Implantation erläutert.

What is the difference between T1 and T2 MRI scans?

A T1 MRI image is derived from the longitudinal time of relaxation, while a T2 MRI image is derived from the transverse relaxation time.

What are the T1 and T2 signals in a MRI?

One of these, probably T1, is a measure of the tissues‘ responses to the signal; the other, probably T2, is the measure of the tissues‘ relaxation speed after stimulation by the MRI machine. So, basically, the machine makes a signal, the tissues respond, the device records the response of the tissues to the signal.

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What is T2 weighted image?

T2 weighted image ( T2WI) is one of the basic pulse sequences in MRI. The sequence weighting highlights differences in the T2 relaxation time of tissues. A T2WI relies upon the transverse relaxation (also known as „spin-spin“ relaxation) of the net magnetization vector (NMV). T2 weighting tends to require long TE and TR times.

What is T2 on MRI?

The T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan shows the total number of MS lesions. This a good indication of a person’s MS disease burden over the prior year. The MS lesions on a T2-weight MRI show up as hyperintense lesions, or „bright spots“ and are often referred to as plaques.