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Was ist Ballonenteroskopie?

Was ist Ballonenteroskopie?

Die Ballonenteroskopie ist eine Form der Enteroskopie, bei welcher der Dünndarm endoskopisch dargestellt wird. Unter dem Begriff werden die beiden Techniken der Doppelballon-Enteroskopie (DBE) und Single-Ballon-Enteroskopie (SBE) zusammengefasst.

Wie wird Zwölffingerdarm untersucht?

Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoskopie (Spiegelung von Speiseröhre, Magen und Zwölffingerdarm. Bei der Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoskopie (Magenspiegelung) untersucht der Arzt die Speiseröhre, den Magen und den Zwölffingerdarm mit einem Gastroskop.

What is push enteroscopy used for?

Enteroscopy. This technique is referred to as push enteroscopy. Due to the length of the small bowel, averaging 4–6 meters in the adult, push enteroscopy is still not effective to adequately visualize large portions of the small intestine.

What is a push endoscopy (EGD)?

Push endoscopy reaches further into the small intestine than the standard upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (also known as esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGD). Endoscopes for push endoscopy are similar in length to colonoscopes, approximately 200cm and have working channels for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

What is the diameter of a push enteroscope?

A dedicated push enteroscope is available from various manufacturers, ranging in length from 200 to 250 cm, with an external diameter of 10.5 to 11.7 mm. 15 When a dedicated enteroscope is not available, a pediatric colonoscope may be substituted. Dedicated overtubes are also available for push enteroscopes 12

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How effective is push push enteroscopy for occult bleeding?

Push enteroscopy increased the diagnostic yield for occult bleeding to at least 38\%. 13 Intraoperative endoscopy (IOE) has permitted access to the small bowel via a per-oral, per-rectal, or a surgical enterostomy approach. In this setting, an endoscopist works with a surgeon who subsequently telescopes the small bowel over the endoscope.