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Was kostet die SpineMED Behandlung?

Was kostet die SpineMED Behandlung?

Die Behandlungskosten betragen in der Regel für eine Behandlung der Lendenwirbelsäule 70,68 €, für die Halswirbelsäule 66,48€. Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie sich hier eine Einwilligungserklärung bzw. einen Kostenvoranschlag zur SpineMED®-Therapie für Ihre Versicherung herunterladen.

Was ist SpineMed Therapie?

Die SpineMed®-Therapie ist eine relativ neue, nicht-invasive und nicht-operative Methode. Eingesetzt wird sie zur Behandlung von Bandscheibenerkrankungen und dadurch verursachter Schmerzen. Mittlerweile auch wissenschaftlich anerkannt, kann vielen Bandscheiben- und Rückenpatienten mit dieser Methode geholfen werden.

What is Spinal decompression therapy and how does it work?

Spinal decompression therapy focuses on stretching the spine. Usually, a traction device is used, but there are other motorized devices. The goal of spinal decompression is to relieve leg and back pain. Most doctors call the procedure ’nonsurgical spinal decompression therapy,‘ which is different than the surgical spinal decompression.

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What is adadvertising for spinal decompression?

Advertising for spinal decompression targets people with degenerative disc disease , bulging discs , herniated discs, or spinal stenosis. 1  Spinal decompression is a form of mechanical spinal traction, which refers to the separation of the bones, joints, and discs of the back.

What is the difference between spinal decompression tables and inversion?

The difference between spinal decompression tables and other methods of decompression like inversion is the technology involved. The best spinal decompression tables include sensors that indicate whether a patient’s muscles are resisting the stretch being applied by the table.

Is Spinal decompression painful?

There should be no pain during or after spinal decompression therapy. However, the patient’s back is likely to feel stretched and worked slightly. Therefore, slight discomfort from the muscles and joints moving might be possible. Some chiropractic professionals may use heat and ice afterward to relieve some of this.