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Welches Symbol hat der Saturn?

Welches Symbol hat der Saturn?


Name Unicode- Zeichen*
Saturn U+2644 saturn: ♄
Uranus U+26E2 astronomical symbol for uranus:⛢
U+2645 uranus: ♅
Neptun U+2646 neptune: ♆

Was sagt dein Saturn über dich aus?

Mit Saturn im Schützen philosophierst du gern über alles, lässt dich aber schwer von deinen Ansichten abbringen. Saturn lädt dich ein, auch deine eigene Meinung zu hinterfragen. Dafür gibt es regelmäßig kleine, unerwartete Abenteuer in deinem Leben, die dir zeigen, dass doch alles ganz anders kommt als gedacht.

How did Saturn get its symbol?

Saturn is usually depicted with a scythe or sickle. In this case too, Salmasius shows that the symbol derives from the initial letters (Kappa, rho) of its ancient Greek name Κρόνος (Kronos).

What are some symbol meanings of Saturn?

Saturn has a symbol made up of the cross of matter which represents reality. The cross is placed over the soul. It symbolizes man having a material nature that will reign. The symbol of Saturn is the same as Jupiter, but upside down. Saturn symbolizes dominance, power, and change .

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What is the spiritual meaning of Saturn?

Spiritual Meaning Saturn. Saturn is the planet of testing and initiation. Saturn represents structure, discipline, concentration, severity, detachment, rigidity, maturity, wisdom, responsibility, frustration, inhibition, isolation, separation, failure, death, dryness, heaviness, and authority. Saturn tends to remove extravagances…

What does your Saturn sign mean in astrology?

Saturn is in its exaltation in the sign of Libra ; Saturn is in its fall in the sign of Aries (opposite the sign of its exaltation); and Saturn is in its detriment in the sign of Cancer (opposite the ruling sign of Capricorn ). Back to Planets & Luminaries in Astrology.