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Wie alt ist James Marsters?

Wie alt ist James Marsters?

59 Jahre (20. August 1962)
James Marsters/Alter

Wo wohnt James Marsters?

James Marsters/Bisherige Wohnorte

Was macht James Marsters heute?

Heute kümmert er sich um seinen Sohn (Sullivan, geboren 1996) und seine Nichte, mit denen er zusammen in Los Angeles (Santa Monica) lebt. Er hat seit 2004 eine deutsche Freundin, Patricia, der er bereits einige Songs sowie sein komplettes zweites Soloalbum widmete.

Wie endet die Serie Angel?

Die Serie von Joss Whedon („Avengers“, „Firefly“) endet damit, dass Angel (David Boreanaz) und seine Gefährten den Bösewichten hinter der Anwaltskanzlei Wolfram & Hart den Kampf ansagen.

How long did James Marsters bleach his face for Buffy?

Actor James Marsters said he agreed to extreme bleaching when his role as Spike was to last five episodes, but it lasted for seven years. Maybe “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” fans knew how James Marsters suffered for the role of Spike but I had no idea.

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What happened to Dan Marsters Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Aside from playing the character, Marsters co-wrote a comic book one-shot for Dark Horse Comics, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike and Dru. After both Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel ended, Marsters became active with the canonical comic book series of both shows on stories centering around his character.

How many Buffyverse comics has Brian Marsters written?

Additionally, he has written two Buffyverse comics from Dark Horse Comics . Since his work for Buffy and Angel, Marsters has played the alien super villain Brainiac on the Superman-inspired series Smallville, Captain John Hart on Torchwood, and terrorist Barnabas Greeley in Syfy’s Caprica.

Who is James Wesley Marsters?

James Wesley Marsters is an American actor and musician, best known for playing the popular platinum-blond character Spike in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel.