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Wie alt ist Seven of Nine?

Wie alt ist Seven of Nine?

Von 1997–2001 trieb Jeri Ryan als die Borg-Drohne Seven of Nine im „Star Trek – Raumschiff Voyager“ ihr Unwesen. Was macht die mittlerweile 53-Jährige Schauspielerin heute? Nach dem Ende von Raumschiff Voyager übernahm Ryan viele verschiedene Rollen in Film und Fernsehen.

Wie heißt die Schauspielerin Seven of Nine?

Jeri Lynn Ryan
Jeri Lynn Ryan, geborene Zimmermann (* 22. Februar 1968 in München) ist eine US-amerikanische Schauspielerin. Sie wurde vor allem durch ihre Rolle als Seven of Nine in der Fernsehserie Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager bekannt.

Wie groß ist Jeri Ryan?

1,73 m
Jeri Ryan/Größe

What happened to seven’s relationship with Chakotay?

Star Trek: Picard offered no hint of what became of Seven’s relationship with Chakotay, besides the fact that it’s obviously long over. It’s also sad that Seven, who still struggles with affirming her lost humanity, didn’t stay in Starfleet with her friends from Voyager nor did she find any happiness living on Earth.

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What is the origin of Chakotay?

Chakotay was a 24th century Human male of Native American descent who served as a Starfleet officer before joining the Maquis.

Why did Chakotay resist the Cardassians?

After his father was killed in 2368 while defending their colony, Chakotay resisted the Cardassian takeover of his planet – as per the terms of the border treaty between Cardassia and the Federation. He refused to stand by and watch his people be displaced once again, as had happened on Earth hundreds of years ago.

How did Chakotay get his hallucinations?

When Chakotay was young, he looked after his grandfather, who suffered from hallucinations caused by an inherited defective gene. This gene was suppressed in Chakotay before birth, although it was activated for a brief period in 2375 by aliens who attempted to make contact with the crew of Voyager. ( VOY: “ The Fight „)