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Wie hiess der Finanzminister von Ludwig XIV?

Wie hieß der Finanzminister von Ludwig XIV?

Nicolas Fouquet
Nicolas Fouquet (* 23. Februar 1615 in Paris; † 23. März 1680 in der Festung von Pignerol), Marquis von Belle Isle, Vicomte von Melun und von Vaux, war unter dem jungen Ludwig XIV. Finanzminister.

Was forderte Colbert?

Er sanierte den Staatshaushalt, um die sehr hohen Aufwendungen vor allem für den König selbst, den Hofstaat, das Militär und dessen Kriegszüge zu finanzieren. Colbert schuf die Basis der französischen Wirtschafts- und Kolonialpolitik.

What does Stephen Colbert do for a living?

Show More. About The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert took over as host of The Late Show on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015. Colbert is best known for his work as a television host, writer, actor, and producer, and lest known for his charity work teaching English as a second language on Tunisian date farms.

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What time does Stephen Colbert come on the Late Show?

Weeknights at 11:35/10:35c. Stephen Colbert took over as host of The Late Show on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015. Colbert is best known for his work as a television host, writer, actor, and producer, and less known for his highly detailed 8th grade diorama depicting the Battle of Helm’s Deep.

What is Jean Jean Baptiste Colbert known for?

Jean-Baptiste Colbert (French: [ʒɑ̃.ba.tist kɔl.bɛʁ]; 29 August 1619 – 6 September 1683) was a French politician who served as the Minister of Finances of France from 1661 to 1683 under the rule of King Louis XIV. His relentless hard work and thrift made him an esteemed minister.

What did Stephen Colbert do as Secretary of State?

In January 1664 Colbert became the Superintendent of buildings; in 1665 he became Controller-General of Finances; in 1669, he became Secretary of State of the Navy; he also gained appointments as minister of commerce, of the colonies and of the palace.

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