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Wie ist das Wetter im Winter in Florida?

Wie ist das Wetter im Winter in Florida?

Denn in Florida kann man das ganze Jahr über angenehm warme Temperaturen geniessen. Im Sommer sind bis zu 32 Grad Celsius keine Seltenheit, wobei die gefühlte Temperatur oft höher liegt, denn die Luftfeuchtigkeit ist nicht zu unterschützen. Im Winter liegen die Temperaturen im Durchschnitt bei milden 24°C.

Wie warm ist es in Florida im Februar?

Der Februar bringt höchste Temperaturen von 17 Grad Celsius bis 25 Grad Celsius bei tiefsten Temperaturen zwischen 18 Grad Celsius und nur vier Grad Celsius. Die durchschnittliche Temperatur liegt bei 15 Grad Celsius. Im Februar ist es in Florida also wirklich nur ein wenig wärmer als im Januar.

Why is it so cold in Florida in the winter?

Because Florida covers so much land vertically, it stretches through a few different ranges of temperatures in the winter, with somewhere like Key West at the very tip of Florida’s south coast being the warmest and places nearer Alabama and Georgia, like Tallahassee, reaching colder temperatures.

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What should I wear in Florida this winter?

You may have white Christmas fantasies, but let’s face it, a Florida wonderland is never going to be that wintery. While the rest of the country is bundling up with multiple inner layers to weather the cold and the ferocious walks to work, Floridians will be doing it a bit differently. We recommend wearing a tank top and layering it.

What months are winter in Miami Florida?

Winter in Miami and South Florida is not the typical type of winter the rest of the country is used to. But, if there a season of chillier weather, that season is now! We’re covering the months of November, December, January, February and potentially March.

Do flowers bloom in the winter in Florida?

The Florida climate allows for year-round blossoms, including some that flower throughout the winter season. Some prep is required for gardeners in the Sunshine State to enjoy colorful winter plants. For gardening success, plant flowers ideal for the zone you are in.

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