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Wie kam w Kandinsky zur Malerei?

Wie kam w Kandinsky zur Malerei?

Zur abstrakten Malerei war Kandinsky angeblich gekommen, weil er in der Dämmerung in seinem Atelier ein Bild sah. Es lag auf der Seite und Kandinsky erkannte nur Formen und Farben, die ihn begeisterten. Er kam zu dem Schluss, dass das Gegenständliche seiner Malerei eigentlich nur schade.

Was hat Kandinsky gemacht?

Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944) begründete kurz nach 1910 die abstrakte Malerei, indem er zunehmend die Bildgegenstände abstrahierte und gleichzeitig eine Kunsttheorie basierend auf der Korrelation von Formen, Empfindungen, Farben entwickelte.

Who was Wassily Kandinsky and what did he do?

Russian-born painter Wassily Kandinsky is credited as a leader in avant-garde art as one of the founders of pure abstraction in painting in the early 20th century. Who Was Wassily Kandinsky? Wassily Kandinsky took up the study of art in earnest at age 30, moving to Munich to study drawing and painting.

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What is Kandinsky’s improvisation mit Pferden?

In works such as Improvisation mit Pferden (Improvisation with Horses), below, colour is no longer contained by line, and Kandinsky essayed a new kind of imagery in which form took precedence over content. Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944), Improvisation mit Pferden, 1911.

What does Kandinsky mean by spiritual in art?

Concerning the spiritual in art. Kandinsky compares the spiritual life of humanity to a pyramid —the artist has a mission to lead others to the pinnacle with his work. The point of the pyramid is those few, great artists. It is a spiritual pyramid, advancing and ascending slowly even if it sometimes appears immobile.

What makes Kandinsky’s Strandszene so special?

In the painting Strandszene, above, Kandinsky provided what appears to be a glimpse of that realm: a rich patch of red at the top of the canvas, beneath which human figures toil in the material world.