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Wie kommt Otzi zu seinem Namen?

Wie kommt Ötzi zu seinem Namen?

Ötzis erster Name entwickelte sich aus der Namensgebung Konrad Spindlers, einem Prähistoriker der Universität Innsbruck. Er untersuchte die Mumie als erster und ihr erster Name leitete sich von ihrem Fundort ab: Mann vom Tisenjoch. Der Name Ötzi schließlich geht auf einen Zeitungsartikel aus dem September 1991 zurück.

Wo und von wem wurde die Gletschermumie Ötzi gefunden?

Gefunden wurde Ötzi vom Nürnberger Ehepaar Helmut und Erika Simon am 19. September 1991. Beim Abstieg aus den Ötztaler Alpen, auf italienischem Boden, rund 92 Meter von der Grenze zu Österreich entfernt, machten die beiden in rund 3.200 Metern Höhe einen grausigen Fund: Eine braune Leiche ragte aus dem Eis.

What is the history of Otzi The Iceman?

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History & Culture. On September 19, 1991, two German tourists were hiking in the Otzal Alps near the Italian-Austrian border when they discovered Europe’s oldest known mummy sticking out of the ice. Otzi, as the iceman is now known, had been naturally mummified by the ice and kept in amazing condition for approximately 5,300 years.

What is the name of the Ice Man in German?

Ötzi (German pronunciation: [ˈœtsi] (listen)), also called the Iceman, the Similaun Man (Italian: Mummia del Similaun), the Man from Hauslabjoch, the Tyrolean Iceman, and the Hauslabjoch mummy, is the well-preserved natural mummy of a man who lived between 3400 and 3100 BCE.

Where is Ötzi the glacier mummy now?

Ötzi, the glacier mummy, is displayed in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy together with his clothing and equipment.

Where did Otzi live in his last days?

The Iceman’s Last Days. Otzi’s stable isotopic signature suggests that he was probably born near the confluence of the Eisack and Rienz rivers of Italy, near where the town of Brixen is today, but that as an adult, he lived in the lower Vinschgau valley, not far from where he was eventually found.

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