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Wie sieht die Piment Pflanze aus?

Wie sieht die Piment Pflanze aus?

Pimenta dioica ist ein immergrüner Baum, der bis zu 10–12 Meter oder manchmal auch höher wächst. Der Stammdurchmesser erreicht etwa 30–40 Zentimeter. Die hell-gräuliche bis gräuliche Borke ist abblätternd. Die gegenständigen und kurz gestielten Laubblätter sind einfach und dünnledrig.

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Pfeffer und Piment?

Im Unterschied zum Pfeffer besitzt Piment nicht nur eine angenehme, leicht brennende Schärfe, sondern verbindet die süß-herben Aromen unterschiedlichster Gewürze wie Muskat, Zimt, Pfeffer und Gewürznelken miteinander. Daher wird Piment auch als Allgewürz oder Allspice bezeichnet.

What is allspice and what does it taste like?

Photo by marianna armata/Getty Images. In the culinary arts, allspice is a spice made from the dried berries of a plant known as Pimenta dioica. A member of the myrtle family, allspice is used in Caribbean, Middle Eastern, and Latin American cuisines, among others. The flavor of allspice brings to mind cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and pepper.

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What can I use if I don’t have allspice?

If a recipe calls for allspice and you don’t have any, you could mix up a substitute by combining equal parts ground cloves, ground cinnamon, and ground nutmeg. Conversely, if you don’t have nutmeg, cloves, or cinnamon on hand, use allspice instead.

What is allspice used for in America?

In the United States, it is used mostly in desserts, but it is also responsible for giving Cincinnati-style chili its distinctive aroma and flavor. Allspice is commonly used in Great Britain, and appears in many dishes, including cakes and also in beauty products. In Poland, allspice is used in a variety of dishes,…

What is ground allspice and how do you use it?

Ground allspice is used to season meat, soup, stew, vegetables, and baked goods as you would use ground nutmeg, cinnamon, or cloves. It will usually be added at the beginning of cooking or baking. The Mediterranean taste of allspice shines in Cincinnati-style chili, which is a meat sauce that goes well on spaghetti or as a topping for coney dogs.

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