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Wie viel Joule Kleinkaliber?

Wie viel Joule Kleinkaliber?

Tabelle ausgewählter Geschosse

Kaliber Masse des Projektils Mündungs- energie
6 mm Airsoftkugel (6 mm BB) ~0,12 – 0,85 g ~0,3 – 4,25 J
4,5 mm Diabolo (Luftgewehr) ~0,5 g ~2 – 50 J
.22 lfB (Kleinkaliber) ~2,2 – 2,6 g ~100 – 250 J
4,6 × 30 mm (PDW) ~2,0 – 2,5 g ~500 – 525 J

What is the hyper velocity Projectile (HVP)?

The Hyper Velocity Projectile (HVP) from BAE Systems is the latest fad that military observers have latched onto. The HVP can be fired from any gun, travel several times around the Earth, has a speed of Mach 328, cost nothing (might even generate a small profit per shot?), and is a guaranteed one shot kill against any target on land, sea, or air …

What is BAE’s high velocity projectile?

As a key industry partner to the U.S. Department of Defense, BAE Systems is developing an HVP for the U.S. Armed Forces and its allies. This projectile will provide lethality and performance enhancements to current and future gun systems and allow for technological growth while reducing development, production, and total ownership costs.

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Is the HVP the future of missile defense?

While the HVP was originally designed to be the projectile for the electromagnetic railgun, the Navy and the Pentagon see the potential for a new missile defense weapon that can launch a guided round at near-hypersonic speeds.

Does the kinetic HVP do any damage?

For a specific, hard target such as a building or hangar, the kinetic HVP will likely cause significant damage. However, it has a significant limitation in that a near miss will cause no damage. The projectile will simply bury itself in the ground. There is no explosion.