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Fur was steht Speznas?

Für was steht Speznas?

Speznaz bedeutet im russischen nur Spezialverband. Neben dem der GRU unterhalten auch andere Ministerien wie der FSB die Spezialeinheiten ALFA und Wympel, die russische Miliz (Polizei) die SOBR und OMON sowie das Finanzministerium weitere Spezialverbände.

Was war die erste Spezialeinheit?

Vorläufer heutiger militärischer Sondereinsatzkräfte waren die deutschen Stoßtrupps im Ersten Weltkrieg, die sowjetischen und deutschen Fallschirmjäger zwischen den Kriegen und die Kommandos des Zweiten Weltkrieges.

What does Spetsnaz stand for?

Spetsnaz. Spetsnaz is an umbrella term for special forces in Russian; its literal meaning is „special purpose forces“. Historically, the term referred to special military units controlled by the military intelligence service GRU . It also describes special purpose units, or task forces, of other ministries in post-Soviet countries.

What is the Spetsnaz motto?

Aside from war, peacetime missions are undertaken by Spetsnaz as and when they are needed. The Spetsnaz motto is Any mission, any time, any place and this is true of all units of the Spetsnaz. They were called in by Emperor Palpatine on one occasion to rescue him from the opening night of his latest Star Wars movie.

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What weapons do the Spetsnaz use?

All of the weapons used by the Spetsnaz (at least on Katorga -12) were enhanced or designed with E-99. The AR9 and the Volk S4 are the most commonly encountered weapons in the game, and are used by the Standard Spetsnaz. Elite Spetsnaz commonly use the Autocannon, but on occasion use the Dethex Launcher or the RLS-7.

What is the abbreviation for Spetsnaz?

Spetsnaz , abbreviation for Войска специального назначения, tr. Voyska spetsialnogo naznacheniya ( or Special Purpose Military Units), is an umbrella term for special forces in Russian and is used in numerous post-Soviet states.