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Was ist PMR Rheuma?

Was ist PMR Rheuma?

Die Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), im Volksmund auch entzündliches Weichteilrheuma genannt, ist eine entzündlich-rheumatische Systemerkrankung, bei der sich das Immunsystem gegen den eigenen Körper richtet, weshalb man auch von einer Autoimmunerkrankung spricht.

Ist PMR eine Autoimmunerkrankung?

Die Polymyalgia rheumatica, kurz PMR genannt, ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung des Blutgefäßsystems. Die entzündliche, rheumatische Erkrankung tritt in der Regel nach dem 60. Lebensjahr auf, Frauen sind häufiger betroffen als Männer. Sie beginnt mehr oder weniger akut mit starken Schmerzen und Bewegungseinschränkungen.

Does PMR come under the vasculitis umbrella?

Bob, GCA, the linked conditin to PMR, definitely comes under the vasculitis umbrella but the jury is still out as far as PMR is concerned, as Lodger has said. I have had both PMR and GCA, both now in remission, but I do have lingering signs of vasculitis symptoms in that my toes become red and inflamed from time to time.

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What is polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)?

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory disorder. It is frequently linked to Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) occurring in 50 per cent of patients with GCA. Approximately 15 per cent of PMR patients develop GCA. Who are affected? The disease is usually diagnosed in patients over the age of 65. It is rarely seen in patients younger than 50.

What are the signs and symptoms of PMR?

Inflammation of the bones and joints can cause difficulty moving. Some patients develop swelling or fluid retention (oedema) of the hands, wrists, ankles and top of the feet. There are no specific tests for PMR. Blood tests may show evidence of inflammation.

What happens if PMR is left untreated?

PMR is closely linked with giant cell arteritis (GCA), a type of vasculitis characterized by inflammation of the arteries in the head and temples, resulting in headaches and vision problems. Left untreated, GCA can lead to blindness and stroke.

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