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Hat Voyager 1 das Sonnensystem verlassen?

Hat Voyager 1 das Sonnensystem verlassen?

Die Raumsonde Voyager 1 muss um den 25. August 2012 unser Sonnensystem verlassen haben. August 2012 in einer Entfernung von fast 19 Milliarden Kilometern verlassen hat. Damit befindet sich die Voyager nun weiter entfernt von unserer Erde als der am weitesten entfernte Planet Pluto.

Wann hat Voyager 1 das Sonnensystem verlassen?

Voyager 1

05.09.1977 Start auf Cape Canaveral
05.03.1979 Vorbeiflug am Jupiter
12.11.1980 Vorbeiflug am Saturn
01.01.1990 Beginn der interstellaren Mission
14.02.1990 Letzte Fotos: „Familienporträt der Planeten“, Pale Blue Dot

How long will it take Voyager 1 to reach Oort cloud?

Just to be clear, Voyager 1 will not reach the Oort cloud for another 300 years and will take 30,000 years to traverse it. Once past the Oort cloud (whose existence is only hypothetical) can we properly say that it has left the solar system.

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What is the Oort cloud and where is it?

The Oort Cloud is thought to consist of billions, if not trillions, lumps of ice and rock that formed at around the same time as the planets (Credit: Pablo Carlos Budassi) Astronomers have never directly seen the Oort Cloud and the most distant spacecraft ever launched by humankind – Voyager 1 – is not due to get there for another 300 years.

How long will Voyager 1 stay in the Solar System?

In August 2012, Voyager 1 became the first spacecraft to cross into interstellar space. However, if we define our solar system as the Sun and everything that primarily orbits the Sun, Voyager 1 will remain within the confines of the solar system until it emerges from the Oort cloud in another 14,000 to 28,000 years.

Where is Voyager 1 now?

Meanwhile, Voyager 1 is still within the sun’s gravitational influence. In about 300 years, scientists expect, Voyager 1 will start to enter the inner edge of the Oort cloud, that shroud of comets which stretches as far as several light-years away.

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