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In welcher Folge kommen Deeks und Kensi zusammen?

In welcher Folge kommen Deeks und Kensi zusammen?

In der fünften Staffel verbringen beide eine Nacht zusammen. In der elften Folge der sechsten Staffel kommen beide nach einem Kuss auf einer Eisbahn schließlich zusammen. Im Verlauf der siebten Staffel ziehen beide sogar zusammen. In der zehnten Staffel heiraten Deeks und Kensi.

In welcher Folge stirbt Breena?

Jimmy Palmer, Duckys Assistent, hat seine Frau Breena an das Virus verloren….Navy CIS.

Navy CIS bewerten 296 Bewertungen
Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland 23.09.2003
Weitere Quellen YouTV TMDB IMDb
Netzwerk CBS

What happened to the Deeks wiki?

The wiki has been archived and we ask that readers and editors move to the now combined wiki. Martin „Marty“ Deeks was an LAPD-NCIS Liaison Officer assigned to the Office of Special Projects (OSP), l ocated in Los Angeles , California, which is run by Operations Manager, Hetty Lange.

What does Marty Deeks do for a living?

Biography Edit. Martin „Marty“ Deeks is an LAPD-NCIS Liaison Officer assigned to the Office of Special Projects (OSP), l ocated in Los Angeles , California, which is run by Operations Manager, Hetty Lange. He is also the partner to NCIS Junior Special Agent Kensi Blye.

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Do Deeks and Kensi move in together?

In the beginning of the season, Deeks moves out of his apartment and buys himself a house. Deeks and Kensi’s romantic relationship remains strong throughout the season and they eventually move in together and by the end of the season, Deeks indirectly proposes to Kensi.

Why does Deeks need to sleep after his talk with Nate?

Deeks and Nate share a private talk with Deeks expressing his concerns about himself and fears he maybe going crazy. Deeks and Kensi parternship has turned into a love story. However, Nate assures Deeks he is starting to work through his trauma, but needs to sleep in order to help fully recover.