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Warum gibt es so viele Lemurenarten?

Warum gibt es so viele Lemurenarten?

Weil Madagaskars Natur so reichhaltig war, haben sich die Lemuren-Familien weit verzweigt – zu immer mehr Arten, die sich den jeweiligen Lebensräumen angepasst haben. Und so besiedeln Lemuren fast alle Insel-Regionen, vom Regenwald bis zur Halbwüste.

Wo kommen die Kattas her?

Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet erstreckt sich hauptsächlich über den südwestlichen Teil von Madagaskar. Da Kattas wie alle Lemuren nur auf Madagaskar vorkommen und zunehmend unter Lebensraumzerstörung und Bejagung leiden, sind sie laut Weltnaturschutzunion (IUCN) gefährdet.

What are some interesting facts about lemurs?

lemur Facts. One of the coolest lemur facts is that they can easily jump 6 times their body length. Lemurs are woolly-furred, long-tailed, arboreal animals that are found only on the island of Madagascar off the Eastern coast of Africa.

Why are lemurs an endangered species?

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Lemurs are endangered species or threatened species. Many species went extinct in the last centuries, mainly due to habitat destruction (deforestation) and hunting. Lemurs play an important role in the ecology of Madagascar and the Comores Islands, because they disperse seeds from the fruit they eat.

Are there lemurs in Madagascar?

Madagascar is the only place lemurs naturally call home. Located 250 miles off the east coast of Africa is the island of Madagascar, the 4th largest island in the world, and the only habitat for all wild lemurs in the world. Madagascar is classified as one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots!

Do female lemurs show dominance?

This happens quite rarely in mammals, where male dominance generally stands. Lemur females show signs of dominance in the way they mark their territories within the group. Another fact is that female lemurs snatch food away from the males, kick them out of sleeping spots, and show actual physical aggression (3, 4, 5).

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