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Was bedeutet 64 Zeilen CT?

Was bedeutet 64 Zeilen CT?

Bei unserem modernen CT werden 64 Schichten („Zeilen“) von 0,35 mm Dicke innerhalb einer Rotation von 0,4 Sekunden Dauer erfasst.

Wie viele Zeilen hat ein CT?

Hier ist die CT-Planung inzwischen Standard. Diese funktioniert mit 2 Zeilen und natürlich bequemer mit den „Big-Bore“-CT, die über 20 und mehr Zeilen verfügen. Hier ist es eine Entscheidung des Strahlentherapeuten an den Anspruch seiner Therapieplanung.

What is the speed of a 64 slice CT scan?

The speed of the 64-slice CT scanner can gather a high-resolution image of a heart, brain or both lungs in less than five seconds. A scan of the whole body is possible in about 30 seconds. The speed of the 64 slice CT scanner has also allowed for the technology to be an alternative to conventional angiography or cardiac catheterization.

What does the number 64 mean on a CT scan?

The number 64 has nothing to do with the number of “slices” a CT scanner takes – in fact a modern CT scanner takes a continuous slice in a helical fashion (something like peeling a potato and ending up with one continual peel)… Rather the number 64 is referring to the bit-depth of the data obtained by the scan.

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Will the 64 slice CT scan replace cardiac catheterization?

Because the 64 slice CT scanner has only been recently available, its use in the evaluation of the heart has been limited. However, there is no doubt that it will soon replace cardiac catheterization for many elective cases. Heart catheterization is a very commonly performed test that is safe and provides very accurate information.

Is a higher slice count better for CT scans?

This is not a decision to be taken lightly. After all, CT Scanners are expensive to purchase, as well as to operate. A higher slice count reduces scan time and produces a higher picture resolution for some types of studies.