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Was bewirkt Beta Sitosterin?

Was bewirkt Beta Sitosterin?

Beta-Sitosterol ist eine pflanzliche Substanz, die dem Cholesterin ähnlich ist. Es könnte helfen, den Cholesterinspiegel zu senken, indem es die Menge an Cholesterin begrenzt, die in den Körper gelangen kann. Es kann auch helfen, Schwellungen (Entzündungen) in der Prostata und anderen Geweben zu reduzieren.

Wo ist Beta Sitosterol enthalten?

Vorkommen. β-Sitosterin ist im Pflanzenreich weit verbreitet. Anfangs wurde es in Weizenkeimöl, Maiskeimöl, Roggenkeimöl, Baumwollsamenöl, Tallöl, in Sojaöl und Calabarbohnen sowie in Cinchonawachs und -rinde gefunden (daher der Name Cinchol).

What is beta-sitosterol and what does it do?

One example is the plant sterol called beta-sitosterol. What does beta-sitosterol do? According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), scientific evidence demonstrates that diets that include plant sterols such as beta-sitosterol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

Is beta-sitosterol safe to eat?

Beta-sitosterol is in your diet in common foods we eat every day but only in small amounts. It is considered safe and without serious side effects. Beta-sitosterol is a plant sterol.

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What happens if you take too much beta-sitosterol?

Sitosterolemia, a rare inherited fat storage disease: People with this condition have too much beta-sitosterol and related fats in their system. They are prone to early heart disease. Taking beta-sitosterol makes this condition worse. Don’t take beta-sitosterol if you have sitosterolemia. Interactions? !

How long does it take for beta-sitosterol to work?

Researchers followed up with the men who took beta-sitosterol during these six months and found that they were still experiencing a reduction in symptoms after 18 months. Studies have also shown that these types of improvements in both bladder emptying and urine output are as good as those of prescription medications.