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Was ist ein B Zell Non Hodgkin Lymphom?

Was ist ein B Zell Non Hodgkin Lymphom?

Das diffus großzellige B-Zell-Lymphom (DLBCL) ist eine bösartige Erkrankung des lymphatischen Systems – also jener Gefäße, Organe und Zellen, die für die spezifische Abwehr von Krankheitserregern zuständig sind. Die Zellen dieses Systems heißen Lymphozyten und gehören zu den weißen Blutzellen.

Was ist ein Zell Lymphom?

T-Zell-Lymphome sind Erkrankungen des lymphatischen Systems, bei denen in den Lymphknoten, häufig aber auch in der Milz, der Leber, im Knochenmark und gelegentlich auch in anderen Organen Ansammlungen von bösartig veränderten T-Lymphozyten (= T-Zellen) gefunden werden.

What is CNS lymphoma?

What is Lymphoma? Primary central nervous system lymphoma (CNS) is an aggressive form of NHL in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the lymph tissue of the brain and/or spinal cord. It may develop in the brain, spinal cord, eye, or leptomeninges (two of the membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord).

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What is the rate of incidence of secondary CNS lymphoma?

About 10 to 15 percent of people with non-Hodgkin lymphoma that is widespread throughout their body will eventually get secondary CNS lymphoma. The incidence of both primary and secondary CNS lymphoma is going up, especially in people over age 60. Researchers are not sure why this is happening.

What is spinal cord lymphoma?

Spinal cord lymphoma is the rarest manifestation of PCNSL. 3 This lymphoma often arises in the upper thoracic or lower cervical regions of the spinal cord and presenting symptoms depend on the level of the spinal cord involved.

What are the signs and symptoms of peripheral lymphoma with lymphoma (PCNSL)?

Presenting symptoms of ocular involvement include eye pain, blurred vision, and floaters. 6 B symptoms such as weight loss, fevers, and night sweats are infrequent in PCNSL. A thorough diagnostic evaluation is needed to establish the extent of the lymphoma and to confirm localization to the CNS.

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