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Was ist Vestibulitis?

Was ist Vestibulitis?

Provozierte Vestibulodynie (vulvare Vestibulitis) bezeichnet eine erhöhte Schmerzempfindlichkeit an der Scheidenöffnung (Vestibulitis), was sogar bei einer zärtlichen Berührung oder Stimulation Schmerzen bereitet.

Was ist Vestibulitis Vulvae?

Das Vestibulitis Vulvae Syndrom (VVS) ist einer der häufigsten Gründe für die Dyspareunie (Schmerzen beim Geschlechtsverkehr) bei der Frau im gebärfähigen Alter. Das Krankheitsbild ist vor allem in Europa wenig bekannt.

Was ist unter dem Scheideneingang?

Während die Vagina zu den inneren Geschlechtsorganen der Frau zu zählen ist, handelt es sich bei den äußeren Genitalien um die Schamlippen, die Klitoris und den Scheidenvorhof. Neben der Harnröhre mündet auch die Scheide in den Scheidenvorhof. Dieser wird von den kleinen Schamlippen umschlossen.

What causes vestibular pain in a woman?

A woman can be sensitive or allergic to any one of these chemicals and this can cause inflammation and pain in the vestibule. It is imperative that a woman with vestibulitis have a thorough evaluation by health care provider familiar with all the causes of vestibular pain.

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Is vestibulodynia a sexually transmitted disease?

It must be noted that vestibulodynia is not a sexually transmitted disease; however, women who have been associated with sexual abuse are most likely to get it. Vulvar vestibulitis is a condition related to inflammation and redness in the opening of the vagina. Vulvodynia is a condition associated with pain in the opening of the vagina.

Is vestubilitis just one disease?

Increased awareness of vestibulitis has led to exciting new research and it has become apparent that vestubilitis is not just one disease but is in fact just a symptom of several different disease or conditions.

What is the best treatment for vestibulitis?

Medical measures bring about sufficient relief in about 8 of 10 women. For those still having pain after medical measures have been used for a number of months, we offer a surgery (vulvar vestibuloplasty) that has proven successful in over 90\% of cases.