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Was schreit das Volk nach Brot soll es doch Kuchen essen?

Was schreit das Volk nach Brot soll es doch Kuchen essen?

“ Dieser Satz, der Marie Antoinette oftmals in den Mund gelegt wurde, ist von ihr niemals gesagt worden. Marie Antoinette erschuf eine ländliche Fantasiewelt, wo eine künstliche dörfliche Idylle die Steifheit bei Hofe ablösen sollte. …

Warum essen Sie nicht Kuchen?

„Wenn sie kein Brot haben, sollen sie doch Kuchen essen.“ – das Zitat geht zurück auf Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Bekenntnisse, Band VI. Die Übersetzung mit ‚Kuchen‘ ist also nicht ganz korrekt. Dennoch wird sie gerne genutzt, um den vermeintlich negativen Charakter der Marie Antoinette zu unterstreichen.)

Who was Marie Antoinette and what did she do?

Marie-Antoinette was queen of France from 1774 to 1793 and is associated with the decline of the French monarchy.

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Why did Marie Antoinette say let them eat cake?

Marie-Antoinette was queen of France from 1774 to 1793 and is associated with the decline of the French monarchy. Her alleged remark “Let them eat cake” has been cited as showing her obliviousness to the poor conditions in which many of her subjects lived while she lived decadently, but she probably never said it .

What did Marie Antoinette say when the prosecutor read the indictment?

“I was a queen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. My blood alone remains: take it, but do not make me suffer long.” These words are reported to have been said by Marie Antoinette, after the prosecutor read his indictment.

How long did Marie Antoinette live in squalor?

However, she went on to spend more than two months living in squalor before her trial and eventual execution for treason on 16 October 1793. Here, Will Bashor shares the final events of Marie Antoinette’s life, including an escape attempt which would become known as the Carnation Affair…

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