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Was war im Jahr 1902?

Was war im Jahr 1902?

Die für 14 Monate im Eis eingeschlossene Gauß-Expedition entdeckt in der Antarktis das Kaiser-Wilhelm-II.-Land.
Beim Ausbruch des Mont Pelé auf Martinique kommt es zur Zerstörung der Hauptstadt Saint-Pierre. Mit einer Spende von Andrew Carnegie wird die Carnegie Institution for Science gegründet.

Welche Gebiete gehören zum deutschen Kaiserreich?

Somit bestand das Kaiserreich aus 25 Bundesstaaten: vier Königreichen (Preußen, Bayern, Sachsen, Württemberg), sechs Großherzogtümern (Baden, Hessen, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach), fünf Herzogtümern (Anhalt, Braunschweig, Sachsen-Altenburg, Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, Sachsen …

What happened in the United States in the year 1908?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Events from the year 1908 in the United States . January 11: Grand Canyon designated as a monument, and later, in 1919, becomes a National Park. A ball signifying New Year’s Day drops in New York City ’s Times Square for the first time.

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What was the 1908 prelude to World War I?

The 1908 Prelude to the World War. IN the winter of 1908-1909 Europe quivered in fear of a general war. It was barely a year after the Triple Entente had been completed by the agreement between England and Russia, and hardly two months since the Young Turk Revolution had upset the traditional alignment of the Powers in the Near East.

What historical events happened in the United States in 1907?

February 18 – Japanese immigration to the United States is restricted under the Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907. February 25 – The Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) is founded.

What historical event happened on February 25?

February 25 – The Bible Institute of Los Angeles (now Biola University) is founded. February 27 – A forty-sixth star is added to the United States flag representing the state of Oklahoma.