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Wessen Mutter ist Livia Drusilla?

Wessen Mutter ist Livia Drusilla?

Am dritten Tag vor den Kalenden, dem Monatsbeginn, des Februar 58 v. Chr. wurde Livia in Rom als Tochter des Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus und der Alfidia geboren. Im Geburtsjahr Livias zählte der Januar noch 28 Tage, so dass sie wohl am 27.

Hatte Augustus eine Familie?

Der spätere Augustus und seine Schwester Octavia waren die Kinder des Gaius Octavius und seiner Frau Atia, einer Nichte Gaius Iulius Caesars. Über seinen Großvater Marcus Atius Balbus war Augustus mit Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus verwandt. Dessen Großvater, Gnaeus Pompeius, war zugleich Augustus‘ Ururgroßvater.

Wie funktioniert das prinzipat?

Dauer des Prinzipats Das Prinzipat umfasst somit die frühe und hohe Kaiserzeit. Die Traditionen der Republik wurden zusammengeführt mit der Vorherrschaft eines Einzelnen. Das Jahr 284 markiert dann den Beginn der Spätantike und die späte Kaiserzeit.

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How did Otto’s father and mother deal with bullies?

His father would roar at Otto to use violence when dealing with bullies whilst his mother, on the other hand, always put Otto off using violence. Sometimes Otto’s father would beat him during rages, earning Otto’s hatred. Otto was accepted into M.I.T. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

How did the Overfiend of octarius fight the Ork hordes?

On the central world of Octarius, the Overfiend of Octarius, after hearing about Orrok, marshalled the tribes and prepared the defences. When the first wave of Mycetic Spores arrived at the planet days later, a great cheer went up from the gathered Ork hordes who were itching for a great fight.

What happened to Otto supposed to do to Spider-Man?

In one last attempt to survive, Otto swapped brains with his nemesis, leaving Spider-Man to die in his fragile body. However, residual memories caused Otto to understand the responsability of being a hero and strived to become the Superior Spider-Man, a better crime-fighter that his nemesis ever was.

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What happened to Otto’s father Torbert?

During Otto’s first year of school, Torbert died in a construction accident. During the funeral, Mary confided in her son that „an early death is the fate of a manual laborer“ and expected that would go on to great things. Otto returned to school and threw himself into his studies.