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Wie hat Amundsen den Sudpol gefunden?

Wie hat Amundsen den Südpol gefunden?

Er durchfuhr als Erster die Nordwestpassage, als Zweiter nach Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld auch die Nordostpassage und erreichte am 14. Dezember 1911, vor seinem britischen Rivalen Robert Falcon Scott, mit vier Begleitern als erster Mensch den geographischen Südpol.

Wie ist Roald Amundsen gestorben?

Juni 1928
Roald Amundsen/Sterbedatum
Juni 1928 machte sich der norwegische Polarfahrer Roald Amundsen mit einem Flugboot auf die Suche nach General Umberto Nobile, der mit seinem Luftschiff in der Arktis verschollen war. Die Maschine stürzte ab, Amundsen und fünf Begleiter kamen ums Leben.

Where is the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station?

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station. The Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station is a United States scientific research station at the South Pole, the southernmost place on the Earth.

How long did it take Amundsen to get to the pole?

We got routes of each party from the camp to the Pole and back, laid out on a timeline: On his departure from 82° S., Amundsen carried supplies for a hundred days, taking him to February 6th, 1912. According to his timetable, and based on his performance so far, he would return to Framheim by January 31st.

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What is the difference between the Scott and Amundsen expeditions?

There were five in Amundsen’s party, making 1,300 pounds per man; Scott started with seventeen men which meant 124 pounds per head. Amundsen had ten times more food and fuel per man than Scott. For Scott to miss a single depot would be fatal. The Norwegian depot at 83° S. on November 9, 1911.

What is the difference between Amundsen’s route and Framheim?

This approach is good for showing the parties’ locations: Amundsen’s route was more to the East, while the Framheim base was almost a degree to the South of Scott’s camp. But this approach is useless if you want to compare where each party was at a particular point in time.