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Wie kam der Mais nach Afrika?

Wie kam der Mais nach Afrika?

Der Mais verbreitete sich schnell, über Italien auf den Balkan, mit portugiesischen Schiffen nach Südostasien, Indien, China und Japan. Vermutlich waren es auch portugiesische Händler, die den Mais nach Afrika brachten, um ihn kurze Zeit später mit afrikanischen Sklaven wiederum nach Amerika zu verfrachten.

Wann kam der Mais nach Afrika?

Doch bereits Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts hatte sich sein Anbau über Südeuropa, den Vorderen Orient bis nach Afrika verbreitet. In den Südalpen gab es bereits 1542 Maisanbau. Nach Mitteleuropa und damit auch zu uns kam der Mais erstaunlicherweise aber nicht über die Alpen, sondern aus dem Vorderen Orient.

How are countries in Africa Celebrate Christmas?

Going to Church. Despite small differences among the ceremonies,going to church is a must at Christmas.

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  • Dinner. Christmas dinner is a perfect opportunity for family gatherings,so African communities take it very seriously.
  • Gifts. Christmas and gifting are two inseparable concepts,and Africa is no exception.
  • Decorations.
  • How do you Celebrate Christmas in Africa?

    Going to church is usually the main focus of Christmas celebrations in Africa. Nativity scenes are played out, carols are sung, and in some cases dances are performed. In Malawi , groups of young children go door-to-door to perform dances and Christmas songs to the accompaniment of homemade instruments.

    What countries celebrate Christmas?

    – United States of America. America is a very multi-cultural country that shares countless Christmas traditions with other countries. – The United Kingdom. A United Kingdom Christmas is celebrated with many of America’s traditions, such as caroling and turkey dinner, but has its own quirks. – Australia. – Germany.

    What do African people eat for Christmas?

    For native Africans, Christmas Day is a day of good eating, with a lively exchange and enjoyment of gifts. Plum pudding, mince pies, vegetables, turkey, yellow rice, roast beef and other variations of festive dishes add an authentic touch to the celebration.

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