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Wie lautet ein Zitat von Mister Miyagi aus dem Film Karate Kid?

Wie lautet ein Zitat von Mister Miyagi aus dem Film Karate Kid?

10 Lebensweisheiten und Sprüche von Mister Miyagi

  1. «Verlieren gegen Feind okay, aber niemals verlieren gegen Angst.»
  2. «Um Honig zu machen junge Bienen brauchen junge Blumen, nicht alte Pflaume.»
  3. «Lernen zu stehen, dann lernen zu fliegen.»

Wann kam der Film Karate Kid raus?

16. Februar 1985 (Japan)
Karate Kid/Erscheinungsdatum

Wie nennt Mister Miyagi Daniel?

Er handelt vom Teenager Daniel LaRusso (gespielt von Ralph Macchio), der sich in seiner neuen Heimat Kalifornien schwer tut und von vielen Problemen heimgesucht wird. Zur Seite steht ihm in dieser schwierigen Zeit Hausmeister Kesuke Miyagi (Pat Morita).

Who is Mr Miyagi from Karate Kid?

This is Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid trilogy from 1984 – 1989 and the Next Karate Kid from 1994. Mr. Miyagi is one of the most well-known karate instructors in fiction. He has an unorthodox karate teaching style and a love of bonsai trees.

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How powerful is Mr Miyagi?

A martial arts master, Mr. Miyagi is a powerful hand-to-hand combatant. He is in good physical condition, and much more agile than his age would suggest. Miyagi grew up learning karate just as his peers did.

Did Sergeant Miyagi kill many Jerry Germans?

The composed karate master let his guard down during one booze-fueled scene in the first Karate Kid movie, recalling the moment he got the heartbreaking news. „Sergeant Miyagi reporting, killed many Jerry Germans, sir,“ he says when LaRusso asks about his wife.

What happened to General Miyagi’s wife?

While Mr. Miyagi was in the war, his wife, who was pregnant, was held at the Manzanar internment camp. Over the course of his military service, Mr. Miyagi was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant and was highly decorated.