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Wie stelle ich Depressionen fest?

Wie stelle ich Depressionen fest?

Zu den Nebensymptomen einer Depression gehören:

  1. verminderte Konzentration und Aufmerksamkeit;
  2. vermindertes Selbstwertgefühl und Selbstvertrauen;
  3. Gefühle von Schuld und Wertlosigkeit;
  4. übertriebene Zukunftsängste oder „Schwarzsehen“;
  5. Suizidgedanken oder -versuche, Selbstverletzungen;
  6. Schlafstörungen;
  7. verminderter Appetit.

Was kann man im MRT sehen Gehirn?

Bei einer MRT-Untersuchung des Kopfes lassen sich Veränderungen oder Erkrankungen am Schädel und des Gehirns ohne Strahlenbelastung feststellen. Dabei konzentriert man sich auf die Hirnstrukturen und die Hirnkammern, aber auch auf die umgebenden Organe wie, z.B. Augenhöhlen, Nasennebenhöhlen und Skelettanteile.

What are the USPSTF recommendations for screening for depression?

The USPSTF recommends screening for depression in the general adult population. Screening must be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up. The PHQ-2 is accepted as an initial screening instrument for depression in all age groups.

How should the depression screening be delivered to older patients?

For older patients, consider pairing the depression screening with the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV). (For information on efficient delivery of the AWV, see FPM ’s Medicare Annual Wellness Visits topic collection .)

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What are the screening tests for postpartum depression?

Women should be screened for depression at least once during the perinatal period using the PHQ-2, PHQ-9, or Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. In older adults, the Geriatric Depression Scale is also an appropriate screening tool for depression.

Is there a preferred tool for depression screening in CMS?

CMS does not list a preferred tool either but does say that to meet the PQRS measure you must use a “normalized and validated depression screening tool developed for the patient population in which it is being utilized and that tool name should be documented in your medical record.” 3 (See “ Examples of standardized depression screening tools .”)