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Wo hat Alexander von Humboldt studiert?

Wo hat Alexander von Humboldt studiert?

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
TU Bergakademie FreibergFriedrich-Schiller-Universität JenaEuropa-Universität Viadrina
Alexander von Humboldt/Ausbildung

Wo reiste Alexander von Humboldt hin?

Von 1799 bis 1804 reiste er durch Lateinamerika. In diese Zeit fallen drei große Expeditionen, unter anderem die Besteigung des Vulkans Chimborazo mit 6.310 Metern. Zurück in Europa lebte er in Paris und Berlin.

Was arbeitete Alexander von Humboldt?

Naturforscher, Forschungsreisender, Geograph, Kosmograph, * 14.9.1769 Berlin, † 6.5.1859 Berlin.

Wo war Alexander von Humboldt überall?

Er war in den heutigen Ländern Venezuela, Kuba, Kolumbien, Ecuador, Peru und Mexiko unterwegs, bevor er über die Vereinigten Staaten zurück nach Europa gesegelt ist.

What was Alexander von Humboldt’s accomplishments?

Alexander von Humboldt was the greatest explorer-scientist of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Humboldt’s contributions to science were remarkably diverse. He was the first person to map areas of equal air temperature and pressure, a technique now used in every weather forecast around the world.

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What was Alexander von Humboldt famous for?

Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt, more simply called Alexander von Humboldt, was a notable Prussian geographer, explorer, and naturalist . He is widely recognized for his works on botanical geography which laid the foundation for biogeography.

Did Alexander von Humboldt have any kids?

He married in 1766 Maria Elizabeth von Colomb, widow of Baron von Hollwede, and had by her two sons , of whom the younger is the subject of this article. The childhood of Alexander von Humboldt was not a promising one as regards either health or intellect.

Why is Alexander von Humboldt famous?

Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), the most famous German of his time, was celebrated as a geographer, explorer, and naturalist; he was less well known for his valuable contributions to the development of the social sciences. He came from a Pomeranian family that had been lately ennobled.