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Wo kommt Technetium vor?

Wo kommt Technetium vor?

Technetium kommt auf der Erde nicht natürlich vor, sondern nur als Produkt des radioaktiven Zerfalls. Warum das Element hilft, einen Blick in das Innere von Sternen zu werfen, es in der Medizin eine Rolle spielt, aber auch nicht ganz ungefährlich ist, erzählt der Astrophysiker Josef Hron.

Wie viele Außenelektronen hat Technetium?

Eigenschaften des Elements

Einordnung in das Periodensystem der Elemente und Eigenschaften Atombau
VII. Nebengruppe 7 Außenelektronen
Elektronenkonfiguration im Grundzustand Kr 5s24d5
Elektronegativität 1,9
Ionisierungsenergie in eV 7,28

What is the chemical name of technetium?

Technetium. Technetium (Tc), chemical element, synthetic radioactive metal of Group 7 (VIIb) of the periodic table, the first element to be artificially produced. The isotope technetium-97 (4,210,000-year half-life) was discovered (1937) by the Italian mineralogist Carlo Perrier and the Italian-born American physicist Emilio Segrè in…

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What is the half life of technetium?

The isotope technetium-97 (4,210,000-year half-life) was discovered (1937) by the Italian mineralogist Carlo Perrier and the Italian-born American physicist Emilio Segrè in a sample of molybdenum that had been bombarded by deuterons in the Berkeley (California) cyclotron.

What is technetium 99m used for?

Technetium. The metastable isotope technetium-99m (6-hour half-life), used with radiographic scanning devices, is valuable for studying the anatomic structure of organs. Technetium is also used as a metallurgical tracer and in corrosion-resistant products.

What are the dangers of techniteum-99?

Individuals handling techniteum-99 should use personal protection kit to avoid inhalation of technetium dust as it can lead to lung cancer. The common natural isotope of technetium is technetium- 99.