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Wo liegt dodona?

Wo liegt dodona?

Dodona ist eine archäologische Stätte in der Region Ioannina in der griechischen Provinz Epirus. Sie liegt in Sichtweite des Ortes Dodoni, griech: Δωδώνη, der am Fuß des Tomaros-Gebirges liegt.

Was ist ein Orakel Griechenland?

Antike. Als eine Praxis von Vorhersagen hatten Orakel von je her eine hohe gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz. In vorchristlicher Zeit, insbesondere in der Antike, galten Orakel als die dominante Form der Vorausschau. Von den Orakeln des antiken Griechenland ist das Orakel von Delphi das bekannteste.

Wo hatte Zeus sein Orakel?

Dodona (auch Dōdōnē, altgriechisch Δωδώνη Dodoni) war ein antikes griechisches Heiligtum und Orakel.

What is the significance of Dodona in Greek mythology?

The earliest accounts in Homer describe Dodona as an oracle of Zeus. Situated in a remote region away from the main Greek poleis, it was considered second only to the oracle of Delphi in prestige. Aristotle considered the region around Dodona to have been part of Hellas and the region where the Hellenes originated.

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Is General Dodonna a tactician?

„I think General Dodonna is quite the tactician.“ ― Cesi Eirriss [src] Jan Dodonna was a Commenor -born soldier who served both Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. He was one of the first captains of a Star Destroyer in the last days of the Galactic Republic, having served in both the Stark Hyperspace War and the Clone Wars.

Is Jan Dodonna a commenor?

Jan Dodonna was a Commenor -born soldier who served both Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. He was one of the first captains of a Star Destroyer in the last days of the Galactic Republic, having served in both the Stark Hyperspace War and the Clone Wars.

Who is Captain Dodonna in Star Wars?

Dodonna held the rank of captain by the time of the Clone Wars and first rose to prominence during the conflict, becoming one of the finest Star Destroyer captains in the Republic Navy. Alongside his fellow captain Terrinald Screed, Dodonna commanded the two task forces that comprised the Victory Fleet.

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