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Was ist Lily Potters Patronus?

Was ist Lily Potters Patronus?

Lily Potter/Patronus

Was hat es mit dem always in Harry Potter auf sich?

Das Zitat besteht eigentlich nur aus einem Wort. Es lautet: „Always! “ und bedeutet so viel wie „Für immer“. Das Komische ist, dass dies eigentlich gar nicht ein Zitat von Alan Rickman ist, sondern von Severus Snape, dem so undurchsichtigen wie gemeinen Zaubertrank-Professor aus „Harry Potter“.

Was ist der Patronus von James?

James Potter I

James Potter
Biographische Information
Patronus Hirsch
Haus Gryffindor

Welcher Harry Potter Charakter hat welchen Patronus?

So ist Harrys Patronus immer ein Hirsch, Luna Lovegoods Schutzpatron zeigt sich immer als Hase und Dumbledores Patronus nimmt jedes Mal die Gestalt eines Phönix an. Nur wenn ein Mensch eine starke emotionale Veränderung durchmacht, kann sich die Tiergestalt noch einmal verändern.

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Wer sagt after all this time always?

„Always“ – dieses Wort fällt in einem Gespräch zwischen Snape und Dumbledore, von dem Harry im siebten und letzten Band erfährt, und zwar in Form einer von Snapes Erinnerungen. In diesem Gespräch zaubert Snape den Patronus von Harrys Mutter Lily, eine Hirschkuh, und zeigt damit, dass er sie noch immer liebt.

Why does Snape have a doe as his Patronus?

Snape was in love with Lily and always has been and so adopted the doe patronus. It also probably has something to do with the memory Snape uses to cast the Patronus. Most likely the memory has something to do with Lily. Lily’s Patronus was originally a doe.

What is Lily Potter’s Patronus form?

Lily’s doe Patronus was a symbol of her love for James, whose Patronus was (presumably) a stag as well as his Animagus form. It’s unknown if Snape actually knew about Lily’s Patronus form.

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Why doesn’t Lily’s Patronus match Snape’s?

Meaning Lily’s Patronus does not represent her personality as Snape knew it. Apparently Lily’s Patronus would be (or was – if she mastered it earlier) something different, more personal. Obviously Snape’s Patronus should have changed together with Lily’s from being something different before (if he could cast it by the time).

Why does Snape have the same doe as Lily?

Snape having the same doe may show the depth of her effect on him more than true love or obsession. Her friendship was so precious, even after he lost it, that Lily Evans literally helped mold the man he became. Maybe that’s why the thought of her could remain his most joyful memory. She made him better than he’d thought he could be.