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Welche Entdeckungen machte Galileo?

Welche Entdeckungen machte Galileo?

Galileis PendeluhrGalileis MikrometerProportionalzirkel nach Galilei
Galileo Galilei/Erfindungen

Wo hat Galileo studiert?

Universität Pisa1581–1585
Galileo Galilei/Ausbildung

Wann erblindete Galileo?

Galileis letzte Jahre 1633-1642: Galilei lebt unter Hausarrest in seinem Landhaus bei Florenz (69-78 Jahre alt). Er schreibt sein physikalisches Hauptwerk „Diskurse über die zwei neuen Wissenschaften“. 1638: Er erblindet. 8.1.1642: Galilei stirbt in Arcetri bei Florenz.

What is the significance of Galileo’s trial?

Galileo Galilei’s Trial. What Was Galileo Famous For? Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) is considered the father of modern science and made major contributions to the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy. Galileo invented an improved telescope that let him observe and describe the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn,

What did Galileo Galilei contribute to science?

Considered the father of modern science, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) made major contributions to the fields of physics, astronomy, cosmology, mathematics and philosophy. He invented an improved telescope that let him observe and describe the moons of Jupiter, the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, sunspots and the rugged lunar surface.

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What did the Catholic Church say about Galileo?

Galileo Galilei’s Trial In 1616 the Catholic Church placed Nicholas Copernicus ’s “De Revolutionibus,” the first modern scientific argument for a heliocentric (sun-centered) universe, on its index of banned books. Pope Paul V summoned Galileo to Rome and told him he could no longer support Copernicus publicly.

What did Galileo do for the Venetian Senate?

Galileo immediately saw the commercial and military applications of his telescope (which he called a perspicillum) for ships at sea. He kept Sarpi informed of his progress and Sarpi arranged a demonstration for the Venetian Senate.