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Werden Sherlock und Molly ein Paar?

Werden Sherlock und Molly ein Paar?

12. Liebe zwischen Sherlock und Molly? Alle Fans waren hin und weg nach dem Kuss zwischen Sherlock und Molly in Staffel 3. Brealey verriet in einem Interview, dass sie nach der Folge um die 14.000 Twitter-Abonnenten mehr hatte und dass es gut sein kann, dass die beiden Charaktere wieder zusammenfinden.

Wen küsst Sherlock Holmes?

Janine ist eine Figur der Serie Sherlock und tritt in den Episoden Im Zeichen der Drei und Sein letzter Schwur auf. Sie ist die beste Freundin von Mary Morstan und wird Trauzeugin auf deren Hochzeit mit John Watson. Während der Trauung lernt sie Sherlock Holmes kennen (Im Zeichen der Drei).

Who is Eurus Holmes in Sherlock?

Eurus Holmes is one of the two main antagonists (along with Jim Moriarty) of the BBC series Sherlock . She is a minor antagonist in Series 3 and the main antagonist of Series 4. She is the psychopathic younger sister of Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes. She is portrayed by Sian Brooke.

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What happened to Eurus Holmes?

Mr. and Mrs. Holmes assume she is dead, with only her brother Mycroft (who works for the British government) knowing her true location. Eurus caused many problems at the facility, managing to brainwash multiple people in the facility simply by talking to them, even causing one doctor working there to kill himself and his family.

Is Eurus Holmes related to Hannibal Lecter?

A younger sister of Sherlock Holmes named Enola Holmes exists in the non-canon works The Enola Holmes Mysteries by Nancy Springer. Eurus‘ behavior and interaction with Sherlock is clearly based on Hannibal Lecter, which the guards at Sherrinford make reference to themselves.

What does the name Eurus mean?

The name “Eurus” is likely a reference to an exchange between Holmes and Watson in His Last Bow, the last chronological Holmes story. “There’s an east wind coming, Watson.”