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Wo befindet sich das Marklager im Gehirn?

Wo befindet sich das Marklager im Gehirn?

Der Begriff Marklager bezeichnet die zentrale weiße Substanz des Gehirns, die man unterhalb der Großhirn- und Kleinhirnrinde findet.

Was ist eine Marklagerläsionen?

2 Hintergrund. Die Marklagergliose ist die Folge einer Marklagerläsion, nach der es zum Ersatz von funktionalem Nervengewebe durch Gliazellen gekommen ist. Sie ist eine Lokalisationsform der Gliose.

Was sind die Rindenfelder im Gehirn?

Die motorischen Rindenfelder sind Ausgangspunkt der Pyramidenbahn für die willkürliche Motorik. Sie stehen in enger Verschaltung mit Zentren des extrapyramidalmotorischen Systems (Basalganglien, Kleinhirn, Hirnstammkernen) und dem Thalamus.

What are T2-hyperintense foci?

Background: T2-hyperintense foci are one of the most frequent findings in cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). They can pose serious diagnostic problems which is reflected by their English name and abbreviation – UBOs (Unidentified Bright Objects).

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What does a T2 hyperintensity scan of the brain indicate?

a focus of T2 hyperINTENSITY means that the signal from that area has different tissue characteristics compared to normal brian tissue. Usually this is due to an increased water content of the tissue. Pathological tissue usually has more water than normal brain so this is a good type to scan to pick this up

What is T2 hyperintense focus in subcortical white matter?

Finally, what is a T2 hyperintense focus in the subcortical white matter of the right middle frontal gyrus? The T2 tells you that the image was made using a T2-weighted MRI scan. The hyperintense focus is a bright spot, likely caused by higher than expected water content.

What causes T2 hyperintensity level 11 white matter lesions?

A related discussion, t2hyperintense foci was started. A related discussion, T2 hyperintensity level11 was started. Another possible cause of these white matter lesions could be Lyme disease. That is the case with my hubby.

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