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Wo findet man Archimedes Erfindungen heute noch?

Wo findet man Archimedes Erfindungen heute noch?

In der sizilianischen Stadt Syrakus kann man heute noch das Grab des ARCHIMEDES bewundern.

Was entdeckte Archimedes?

Archimedische Schraube
ArchitonnerreKralle von Archimedes

In welchem Jahrhundert lebte Archimedes?

Archimedes, geboren ca. 287 v. Chr.

Was entdeckte Archimedes als er in der Badewanne saß?

Angeblich kam Archimedes die Lösung, als er in der Badewanne lag und bemerkte, wie sein eingetauchter Körper Wasser verdrängte, das aus der Wanne floss. Als er so herausfand, dass das Goldstück weniger Wasser verdrängte als die Krone, war der Beweis erbracht, dass die Krone nicht aus purem Gold gemacht sein konnte.

What contributions did Archimedes make to society?

There have been many cases where Archimedes has come up with solutions to the kings problems. One of these instances was when he asked Archimedes to see if his crown was made of all gold. To find out if it was, Archimedes used his principle to see how much water it displaced and from there he could find out the purity.

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What are some of Archimedes ‚ accomplishments?

10 Major Achievements of Archimedes of Syracuse #1 He formulated the Archimedes’ principle #2 He was the first to establish the law of the lever #3 Archimedes laid the foundation of hydrostatics #4 He invented and used methods similar to calculus #5 Archimedes is considered the first to calculate an accurate estimation of the value of pi

What is the history of Archimedes?

Archimedes Screw – History of Archimedes Screw. It was invented by the Greek scientist Archimedes, though the year is not known. Archimedes lived in Syracuse, Sicily (now part of Italy) between the years 287 B.C. and 212 B.C. The Archimedes screw is an ancient invention that continues to be important in the modern world.

What is Archimedes life span?

Archimedes screw had a long life span of 40 years due to its simple construction. Archimedes made this device out of wooden material. Later the screw was replaced of metal. The device was normally covered with the box to prevent splash out of water or waste of material.

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